I have always have an obsession with scarves and Pashminas. They are always in my daily look for any any occasion: night, day, casual look, formal look... even in summer!
Some people don't feel complete leaving their house without putting earings on, that's my case with scarves.
I have now a very pretty collection of scarves by rescuing my mom's scarves that she doesn't use anymore, buying some and I have also found a very cool pashmina from my dad that he used to use when he was young. But to be honest I only wear 3 or 4 a lot because I'm afraid that they might ruin , and the other ones are reserved for special occasions.
An other thing I love is that my perfume allways stays in my scarves and that gives them my firm, I guess. It makes me remember when I opened my mom's drawers when I was little and her clothes always smelled like her perfume and I love that still now when she lends me something it smells like "mami" haha.
And what can be more perfect that all my scarves smell like my favourite perfume: Ralph by Ralph Lauren ♥
Here are my favourite scarves:
Algunas personas no se sienten completas sin ponerse aretes, por ejemplo; a mi me pasa lo mismo con los pañuelos.
He llegado a tener una colección muy bonita de pañuelos rescatando los de mi mama, que nunca los usa, comprando nuevos y también encontré una pashmina de mi papa que usaba cuando era joven. Pero para serles sincera solo uso unos 3 o 4 diariamente porque me da miedo que se manchen o les pase algo y solo para ocasiones especiales uso los diferentes.
Otra cosa cosa que me encanta es como siempre se queda mi perfume impregnado en el pañuelo y eso le da como mi firma. Me hace acordar a cuando yo era chiquita y abria el cajon de mi mama y toda su ropa olia a ella, a su perfume y me encanta que hasta ahora cuando me presta algo huele a mami jaja
Y bueno que mas perfecto que todos mis pañuelos huelan a mi perfume favorito: Ralph de Ralph Lauren ♥
Aquí les muestro mis pañuelos favoritos:
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