29 ago 2011



On saturday I went to this shoe store in Miraflores because they were having a BIG sale on everything in the store! So I couldnt waste the oportunity of buying a new pair of ankle boots that Ive always wanted. This are normally S/. 480 but they were S/. 280, almost half price off! These are definitly my favorite pair of shoes.

El sábado fui a esta tienda de zapatos en Miraflores porque estaban teniendo una gran oferta en todo lo de la tiendaAsí que no podía desperdiciar la oportunidad para  comprar un nuevo par de botines que siempre he queridoEstos son normalmente costaban  S/. 480 pero los conseguí en S/280, casi a mitad de precio! Estos son definitivamente par de zapatos favoritos.

This is the link for Casa Moore- http://www.casamooreperu.com

They deserved a video

EstefaniaGalván <3

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